A sustainable and visible Community Sports Hub forming a beacon in a park
To create a sustainable and visible Community Sports Hub, that acts as a beacon within a large park, bringing a sense of connection to the site.
To co-locate a main reception and cafe with a bowls club, nursery, activity studios and changing rooms, alongside clip-and-climb and soft play areas, in one coherent building.

The building is conceived as two arms, pivoted in response to the context to create spaces that directly relate to the landscape, daylight and views.
The light filled internal street joins the building’s two arms. The pivot points of the arms are activated by the prominent clip-and-climb and soft play facilities.

The uses within the building are intelligently zoned to create a clear delineation of functions, each with an appropriate level of privacy.
Access to the hub is via boardwalk-like bridges that provide level access to the building over a local wetland that uses the drainage issues of the site to create a positive contribution to the environment.